

Dear teachers,

Here is your chance to win a set of 10 glockenspiels for your school.

Simply run Fantastique! for Schools with your class, and send us the children’s response to the music as they listen to Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique.


Children write a review of the piece – imagining they are at the premiere performance. Children could be prompted to talk about structure, dynamics, tempo, texture, timbre, pitch, duration and orchestration. They could be given excerpts from a review of the time to explore what a review is before writing their own.


Children create a word picture of one of the movements capturing its essence. Children could imagine they were in the ballroom, on the mountain (Witches’ Sabbath), in a dream, in the country, or part of the march and would describe the scene using as many of their senses as possible – what they saw, heard, felt, smelt (maybe not tasted!)

You’ve got the two Primary lessons, Berlioz the Orchestrator and Berlioz the Storyteller, to help you. The lesson Berlioz the Storyteller includes practical activities in which children are asked to write a review or illustrate the movements of the symphony.

Send us the copies or scans of the results by email to [email protected] for your chance to win ten sets of glockenspiels.

Listen… and then pick up your pen and paper!
We look forward to receiving your entries!

Best wishes,

The Berlioz 150 team